Sunday, November 29, 2009

You Can Party On, But No Tweets

What is the power of social media? (dangers and benefits)

Social media has a a lot of power as it affects or get to lots of people. Social media is all about how the media is sent to us. By mail or myspace, twitter. Its a form of way to communicate through different websites to get across to you about the social media. Social media is a lot about things like gossip were the latest news are out about the people such as celebrities and the latest things that happen or that they have done. For example; if a celebrity like madonna would mess up on a song and it would go live or on air on the radio, the media would pass this news across to everyone and would be spread out to different websites like twitter, facebook or any other.. This is a means to communicated the latest news on everything.. This can also lead to gossip and rumours that is passed on by someone to many other people. People can also post picture of previous things that happen and have people being tagged. For example, in the text it says; a 26 year old women living in Manhattan said she dreaded being tagged in photos because people might notice she always wears one or two outfits when going out at night, a basic black dress or for dates, a lynyrd sky-nyrd T-shirt. This is a reason why social media affects people. It tends to make problems or have people care about what other say about that specific person on the picture. Social media can come out strong and can just simply come out in a way that people will comment have you care for their say about you. You have to sometimes learn to ignore the social media that happens because then it will affect you in a strong way and take alot of place in your life.