Friday, June 11, 2010

Be kind rewind

1. Casting; Do the actors suit the roles that they were cast in? Are they believable as part of the reality they are in?
a. Jack Black as Jerry Gerber
b. Mos Def as Mike
c. Danny Glover as Elroy Fletcher

Jack black playing the role of Jerry Gerber suited him since i know him from another movie and he seemed to be the type of guy that is crazy so this is a good role for him.

I never saw Mos Def in other movies but his role was played very well so i guess it was believable and good.

Danny Glover is a guy i have never seen in other movies but i thought he played well his role.

2. How does technology impact the community at the beginning of the film? At the end of this film?

Yes technology impacts a comunity and especially your shop because if you d not follow what comes next you may become out of business. Movies were now on cds and no more vhs so people would rather go with the new technology.

BP Oil ads

    1. Discuss and review the two BP Oil ads. Why does BP Oil choose the images/style it does to use in their ads? What is the target audience(s)? Which images stick in your mind and why?

    1. In light of the current disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, is BP’s slogan (Beyond Petroleum) and Logo (the flower) appropriate?

    1. Consider responsibility; considering that it was BP’s oil rig that burned in the Gulf of Mexico and the resulting oil spilled would have been BP’s profit, do BP and other oil companies deserve to be ridiculed, made fun of, and/or satirized?

    1. The target adience would be teenagers soince they are the first ones who gets their liscence and start driving. Once having a car they need to fill it up with gas every so often and this is target to them for their benifit and the good of the environment.
2. I do not see anything wrong and why would there be anything that would cause a problem due to the disaster in mexico.

3. The oil spill just caused a problem which led to an oil spill. It does not mean that BP and other companies should be ridiculed or made fun of. i do not think it will change or make anything better.